Personal Hygiene

Manage their personal hygiene by developing their home skills eg. making bed, tidying up etc


Support the children in their studies by ensuring they attend school and provide time and space for them to continue outside of school.

Life Management

To assist them in managing their appointments with GP, Dentist and Opticians. Also help them to become involved in activities such as swimming, bowling and trapolining.
19 Milton Gardens, Featherstone, Pontefract, WF7 5DQ © Dunamis Hearts

Dunamis Hearts

Children’s Homes

Call us on:

0330 1330 5968

We are Ofsted registered. Support YP to achieve their potential - in Eduction, Life skills and Personal Development


Support the children in their studies by ensuring they attend school and provide time and space for them to continue outside of school.

Life Management

To assist them in managing their appointments with GP, Dentist and Opticians. Also help them to become involved in activities such as swimming, bowling and trapolining.

Personal Hygiene

Manage their personal hygiene by developing their home skills eg. making bed, tidying up etc
Designed by SRSystems
We are Ofsted registered. Support YP to achieve their potential - in Eduction, Life skills and Personal Development

Call us on:

0330 1330 5968

19 Milton Gradens, Featherstone Pontefract, WF7 5DQ © Dunamis Hearts

Dunamis Hearts

Children’s Homes